New regulations from 2020 - up to 50% special depreciation

The Bundestag and our politics are becoming more and more active!
After the first sleepy years in the field of electromobility, the government has once again adapted laws and regulations to the topic of electromobility, thus paving the way for further support and attractive programs. Among other things, special depreciation of vehicles up to 7.5 tons is granted at a rate of 50%. As a result, it is possible to tax 50% of the investment in the first year and thus depreciate the vehicle more quickly. A strong step in the right direction to promote electric mobility throughout Germany and Europe.
Furthermore, in addition to purchase premiums, electric car drivers will also benefit from additional tax relief (JstG 2019) and charging electricity costs. Charging facilities for private users are also to be promoted; the commercial customer has similar and further advantages in the process of depreciation and in the 1 % regulation. What many people may not know, however, is that there is also a subsidy for electric bicycles used for business purposes that you can claim for yourself.
We will be happy to provide you with more detailed information on all these new regulations and other advantages of electric mobility. Thanks to our experience and competence in the construction of vehicles and charging infrastructure, we can provide you with the necessary specialist knowledge and clarify all open questions and regulations in a personal consultation, not only with regard to discounts, but also with regard to insurance or a desired conversion. You can find out more about our consulting services HERE.
The individual changes and adaptations to the legal situation are summarised in detail under THIS link.