The public transport network covers more than 160 billion kilometers a year in Germany alone, transporting the majority of the population. When using buses for local and long-distance transport, increasing attention must be paid to the application of environmentally friendly and climate-neutral locomotion. The purely electric drive strengthens the image of the company, protects the environment and saves a significant amount of costs.

We have intensified our research work on conversions of local and long-distance buses together with the company to zero electric vehicles GmbH and made them marketable. The company to zero specializes purely in bus conversions and already offers conversions for common vehicles such as the MAN A20/21 & A23 series.
For passenger transport, there are no restrictions on space or transport capacity. Ranges of over 200 km are achieved without intermediate charging. Proven and extensively tested components are used for this purpose. The configurations can be adapted to the desired performance as required.

Another important factor is the subsidy of the conversion costs. Up to 80% subsidies make the conversion of your existing vehicle attractive and make the vehicle look like a new vehicle, for example by completely overhauling the interior, despite the lower costs.
Convince yourself! Details can be found HERE!